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Wednesday 19 April 2017

Hypothesis testing

-An educated guess based on published result or preliminary observations regarding the study.
-It is also an assumption on the parameter of the population.
2 types of hypothesis
-Null hypothesis (Ho)
  -The accepted facts of the study.
  -It is the hypothesis that is to be tested.
  -Hypothesis where there is no difference.
-Alternative hypothesis (HA)
  -The hypothesis suggests there is a difference.

Hypothesis testing
  -Ho:  There is no difference in sports performance between male and female football players.
  -HA: The sports performance of male football players are better compared to female football                         players.
-Hypothesis testing procedures:
  1. Generate the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.
  2. Set the significance level (α).
  3. Check the assumption.
  4. Compute the test statistics and associate the result with the p value.
  5. Interpret the result.
  6. Conclude.

By. Pengiran Hazieq Izzat


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